Go Nintendo have released news on Arkham City, that involves the caped crusader teaming up with behemoth Bane. According to the source:
- Bane can now team up with Batman for a series of sub-missions that involve tracking down shipments of chemical contraband.- new gadget editions, including the Remote Electrical Charge (REC)- this is a shotgun variant that shoots an instant spark to knock enemies back, or electrocute armor-wearing baddies- enemies with machine guns will have their clips emptied into the crowd when shot with the REC- The gun can also charge up some machines and help transform metal scraps into magnets- 4 hours worth of Catwoman gameplay- main path storyline in Arkham City is bigger than Arkham Asylum- fail a side-quest and still return to it later, once you've gained better items/weapons
Source: Go Nintendo
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